Service-based internet businesses are businesses that offer services to an internet market audience. Services that can be offered include designs of graphics, editing of content, or software development, etc. There are several platforms already existing that help you sell services. Platforms such as fivarr.com, elearn.com, upward.com, these are where services can be sold easily. So, if you have a fleer or you can help people do specific things, you can sign loyal customers who will readymade pay you a good money for your services. To be able to effectively sell your services on this platform you need to have the following:
- You will need to have a well branded image of your business, that is a logo or name.
- You will need to have testimonials about your previous work, you can get this by offering free services to people on the platform or uploading various testimonials of people who have patronize you before.
- You pricing need to be competitive.
Doing all these will give you an advantage on this service base internet business platform and make you attractive to potential customers or buyers who are in need of your service. Getting on this platform doesn’t automatically mean you’ll start getting clients; you will still need to promote your business or your service on this platform. Another way is you go about exchange services or building an internet business that is service focus, if you sell your services on your own platform; that is you will need to build platforms around your services for you to able to sell them on the internet. This platform could be in a form of a website for your business or a blog for your business or social media pages or handle for your business. The key there is to brand your business well on this platform so that you can succeed as a reputable brand keeping who and who to patronize you. To do this, you will need to do the following:
- Get quality logo and a good business name.
- Get a well professional designed website for your business as well as social media handles on across Facebook, Instagram and Tweeter. Make sure on your social media platform to share content relating to your business consistently.
- Clearly state your services offering on your website and if necessary your pricing for each services. Ensure testimonials of people who you have served before are on your website or across your social media platform.
If you noticed, I’ve mentioned about getting testimonials or recommendation either on your website or website of internet business service base platform, this is because of the fact that selling online involve a primary thing that most people look out for which is TRUST and to achieve this trust, is to ensure you have social proof of people who have use your services before well displayed on your website or social media platform. Subconsciously, people tend to create trust in you when they see testimonials about what you do and that tends to increase the rate at which people patronize you as seen in the image below:
Even for physical product, the uses of testimonials are very important so that you will be well positioned in doing business. Take note that people buying from you over the internet will necessarily not see you, all they get to see is your internet presence either through your website or social media platform or if you signed up for an internet service platform that offers your service and it is very important to note that it give good impression on them when they visit these platforms in search of your services. So enough effort must be put into making sure you have a very good website and your social media platform is well developed, your contents are well suited for what you’re offering as a service.